What we offer...


Anita Ellis delivers quilting education suitable for;

  • Individuals
  • Shops
  • Guilds
  • Festivals/shows

Whether you are a beginner or experienced quilter Anita spends time to build your skills and confidence to help you finish your quilts to a standard you will be proud of. Techniques include free motion quilting and the use of the innovative Westalee Design Rulers as Anita is an Accredited Westalee Design Educator.


Weekly 4 hr classes are delivered at our studio in Warrandyte where numbers are limited to 7 people.

Throughout the year we also offer a number of Retreats at suitable venues where you can quilt all week long. These can be project based so you get the satisfaction of starting and finishing a project.  Alternatively, you can call on Anita's advice in completing your own UFOs. These Retreats are catered and often include accommodation if you need it.  

Anita can also come to tutor at your retreat.

Quotes from feedback of our last Tutored Retreat -

"My highlight was being with a group of lovely ladies and teaching me to overcome my sewing inadequacies" 

 "My highlight was being able to complete the project in the week"


If you are a shop owner looking to attract and build strong relationships with your customers Anita offers classes to help you and your customers. 

"Anita's classes make for happy repeat customers and happy shop owners. She brings in new ideas and demonstrates how your stores products can be used to create great results"  Trish - Pat's Sewing Centre Traralgon.


Anita works with you to deliver a tailored program for your members. This can range from Trunk Shows, one off teaching events or a structured program of on going classes and support to improve your members quilting skills and enjoyment.

"Wonderful to see the group coming together and seeing their quilting skills really improve" - Dot, Patchwork & Quilting Guild Melbourne.

Festivals and Shows

If you are a Festival/Show organizer looking for content, Anita brings her experience of delivering workshops and lectures at every Australian Machine Quilting Festival (AMQF) since its inception where she's guaranteed to fill classes and deliver a current, targeted and varied program.